Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our First Family Outing

On Sunday my parents had us over for a family BBQ! This was our first time to go out all together other than just to go for a ride. Maddox did great and got to hang out with his cousins. The twin girls were not quite sure what to think about him but warmed up to him pretty quickly. Here are a few pics of us as a family and of Maddox with his cousins. What a great evening...complete with Dads amazing cooking! YUM!

I adore this picture of Maddox and Greg. Maddox is so content in his Daddies arms.

Maddox Mommy & My new Mirror

Look at that cute little Texas Tech Red Raider! This TTU blanket is Maddox's favorite to lay and play on. We pulled out the mirror this past weekend and it is his new favorite (and ours too because it keeps him quite occupied). I'm not sure if I am beginning to think that my son is a little vain and likes the way he looks in the mirror or if he is just checking himself out to try and figure out why nobody else can take there eyes off of him. I hope when he looks in the mirror he sees an extremely well loved adorable little man! Here are a few pics of him and I playing! I realized that I have a ton of pictures of Maddox during the past few weeks...a million of him and his Daddy, a bunch of him and his grandparents and too many to count of him alone....not hardly any with me and my little man though. So Greg took a few of us playing this weekend. As much as new moms may not want to be photographed the first few weeks post baby...don't pass up the special moments to take pics with your kiddos!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Look at me...I'm 3 (weeks that is)!

Maddox turned 3 weeks old yesterday. Here are a few pics from this week. He is going through quite a little growth spurt the past few days...eating...and eating...and eating! He also has started really looking at things and focusing on them. He loves to lay on the play yard and look at the toys that hang down. Happy 3rd (week) birthday little man!

Bath Time

I happen to LOVE a nice long bath (have not really had a chance to take one in the past 3 weeks but hope to very soon), Maddox on the other hand is not so fond of his sponge baths. He is so relaxed and calm after they are over and usually sleeps best on bath nights but during the bath he is not his happiest. Greg & I on the other hand just laugh and laugh through his tears because he is just so cute! I love him SO much! Here are a some pictures of a few different bath times. Have you ever seen a Butt that cute?


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Look at me...I Wear Shorts!

So I have been sending Greg a picture of Maddox from my phone every morning since he has gone back to work so that he can see the little guy. This was the picture from yesterday and one of both of our favorites so far. He was the cutest little guy in this outfit. The shorts actually have a matching shirt but that is a little too big still so we just threw the shorts on with a classic little white onsie (a staple in Maddox's wardrobe). I just simply adore him!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A few More Pics of the little guy

Here are a few more because the 10 in the last post just didn't seem like enough ;)

Maddox Carlen Nurse

The whole real reason that I started this blog was so that I could share pictures and updates of our new little man once he arrived. I am so proud to say that he is here and has been here for two weeks. I am a little late on getting started with my promise of pictures and updates but I have had my hands a little full.
Maddox Carlen Nurse made his debut into this great big world on July 2nd @ 11:31 pm. Life will never be the same and life has never felt this good! From the moment I saw him and the from the moment I held his sweet little body close to mine I knew my life had just gotten so much better. My life is forever changed in the most amazing way. Maddox was born a little man at 6lbs.7ounces and measures 19 1/2 inches long. Maybe a little man in size but not a little man in heart and willpower. He has since gained some ounces and at our 2 week appointment last Thursday he tipped the scale at 7lbs1 oz. He seems to grow and change so much every day. I will post a few pictures now of Maddox over the last two weeks and I promise to be diligent about posting some every week or so in the months ahead. I feel like I have so much to tell y'all about him and so many things to report but he is quietly sleeping for the first time today and Mama needs a little nap to so that I can give him all my best when he wakes up in a few short hours (or minutes I suppose). I will sum the past two weeks up with these thoughts...although there are sleepless nights and although there are hours filled with endless crying and although it is not always easy I can proudly say that this is the best thing I have ever done in my life. I have traveled, lived in fun cities, built a great career but NOTHING compares to what me and my amazing husband have accomplished in creating this little man. This little man that I love so much. There is no better feeling than the one that I get when he is cuddled in my arms. He needs me and I need him even more than that. He fits perfectly into the family Greg and I started less than one short year ago. Greg is an amazing father and has supported me through the past two weeks in ways I didn't know he was capable. He has proven once again to be the amazing man that I fell in love with. A huge thanks to all of our families and friends for the endless love and support (especially to my Mom who stayed with us well over a week and just kept staying one more night when she saw the tears in my eyes that she was leaving). A huge thanks to Greg for just being him. And lastly the biggest thank you goes to Maddox for making my life complete in ways I didn't know a precious child could. I can say today and am 100% sure that I will look back at the end of my days and confidently say that being a Mom is the best thing I ever did. I promise to my little man that I will be my best to do it well everyday.