Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Maddox Carlen Nurse

The whole real reason that I started this blog was so that I could share pictures and updates of our new little man once he arrived. I am so proud to say that he is here and has been here for two weeks. I am a little late on getting started with my promise of pictures and updates but I have had my hands a little full.
Maddox Carlen Nurse made his debut into this great big world on July 2nd @ 11:31 pm. Life will never be the same and life has never felt this good! From the moment I saw him and the from the moment I held his sweet little body close to mine I knew my life had just gotten so much better. My life is forever changed in the most amazing way. Maddox was born a little man at 6lbs.7ounces and measures 19 1/2 inches long. Maybe a little man in size but not a little man in heart and willpower. He has since gained some ounces and at our 2 week appointment last Thursday he tipped the scale at 7lbs1 oz. He seems to grow and change so much every day. I will post a few pictures now of Maddox over the last two weeks and I promise to be diligent about posting some every week or so in the months ahead. I feel like I have so much to tell y'all about him and so many things to report but he is quietly sleeping for the first time today and Mama needs a little nap to so that I can give him all my best when he wakes up in a few short hours (or minutes I suppose). I will sum the past two weeks up with these thoughts...although there are sleepless nights and although there are hours filled with endless crying and although it is not always easy I can proudly say that this is the best thing I have ever done in my life. I have traveled, lived in fun cities, built a great career but NOTHING compares to what me and my amazing husband have accomplished in creating this little man. This little man that I love so much. There is no better feeling than the one that I get when he is cuddled in my arms. He needs me and I need him even more than that. He fits perfectly into the family Greg and I started less than one short year ago. Greg is an amazing father and has supported me through the past two weeks in ways I didn't know he was capable. He has proven once again to be the amazing man that I fell in love with. A huge thanks to all of our families and friends for the endless love and support (especially to my Mom who stayed with us well over a week and just kept staying one more night when she saw the tears in my eyes that she was leaving). A huge thanks to Greg for just being him. And lastly the biggest thank you goes to Maddox for making my life complete in ways I didn't know a precious child could. I can say today and am 100% sure that I will look back at the end of my days and confidently say that being a Mom is the best thing I ever did. I promise to my little man that I will be my best to do it well everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I totally have tears in my eyes reading what you wrote. I totally get what you are saying and i am so happy for you and greg.
