Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Little Monster Turns One Month Old!

Time sure passes quickly. In some ways I feel like the last month has lasted an eternity (mostly at 5 in the morning when I have been up most of the night with a fussy baby) but mostly the last month has flown by. I cant believe how quickly the time has past. Of course you cant wait till they sleep through the night and you cant wait until they are a little less gassy and fussy but there are so many moments in the middle of the night and in the early mornings where I have bonded with my boy in such sweet ways. I cherish our mornings together. We nap together every morning when Greg leaves for work and I cant imagine a morning without this time with is the best part of my day. His little cry sounds like a little monster growling sometimes and that has turned into my nickname for the little man...Mommy's little monster. Maddox has changed so much. Most obviously, he went to the pediatrician last week and had gained 3 lbs since birth all in 3 1/2 short weeks...Dr. Murphy was quite taken back by the weight gain...quite remarkable! We are anxious to see how much more he has gained this week when we go for his one month apt. There are so many other ways that we notice him progressing every day...he is staying awake longer during the day, sleeping a little more at night (most nights ;) ), playing a little longer by himself, smiling, making eye contact and what he does best is make Mommy & Daddy fall more and more in love with him everyday. The past month has brought so many more emotions than I knew I had in me. I never knew I could love like I now know I can, I never wanted so deeply for someones tummy not to hurt at 3 in the morning, I have never cried like I have in the past month, I have never functioned on less sleep in my life. It is certainly not easy but I know now that its not supposed to be. In fact it is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life...but its still the BEST thing I have ever done in my life! I look forward to so many more months to celebrate my little mans life to come!

Mommys two favorite guys napping on a Sunday is good!

I'm all geared up to go on a walk in my stroller for the first time on my one month birthday!

I love my playard!

I have been doing LOTS of eating during the past month!
Looks like he is having sweet dreams!

I got Really fussy while we were on a walk so Daddy carried me in my favorite position!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I love that first picture of Maddox on Greg's chest! Maddox is absolutely adorable! I just want to reach through this computer screen and scoop him up!
