Monday, August 17, 2009

She brought Iced Tea to Boot!

We have been so blessed to be showered with so much love and support during the past six weeks as we transition into our new lives as parents. We have received the most generous gifts, flowers, cards and more food than we could eat! It is so overwhelming to sit back and think about all the amazing people we have in our lives. I had to dedicate a quick post to a special friend of mine. Ashley and I have been friends for ten years now...hard to believe. We were sorority sisters and more importantly than that we have developed a friendship that is so important to me. Ashley and I also worked together for quite a few years. When we were working together at the Courtyard in Lubbock Ashley would come in every afternoon and make me iced tea and lots of lemons (she even squeezed them in my tea for me b/c I hate doing that). She always did it because she knew that was my favorite afternoon treat. So you have to imagine how fitting and special it was that when she and Carlos came to meet Maddox last weekend she brought a pitcher of iced tea and a bag of cut up lemons (Don't worry I didn't ask her to squeeze them in my tea). This may seem so simple and unimportant but it is a true example of the kind of friend that Ashley is. I don't know anyone who thinks of others more than herself and I don't know anyone who will do all the little things to make someones day like my dear friend Ashley. Ashley has been there for me during some rough patches and we have shared some really great laughs and memories together. She is a true friend and one who I know will be in my life for such a long time. Thanks Ashley for reminding me so often the true meaning of friendship....and for the iced tea (with lemons). Cork sisters for life!

Ashley and Carlos meet Maddox!

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